With therapy, you are doing more than reaching for a star. You are asking yourself to take a hard look at your life. You are reflecting on the past and the meaning of things. You are safely guided to explore these parts of yourself with care. You will also be guided to rediscover what gives you joy and purpose. Repeating this process builds resilience and courage, making uncertainty, the future, and difficult emotions easier to navigate. Hope and optimism may return as you release tension and acknowledge your truth. Putting these changes into action in your life, helps to solidify the transformation within. Therapy is about optimizing mental health and wellness - and building a life that matches your intentions and purpose. From here an infinite sea of potentials exist.
Have you lost your flair as a couple? You don't have to be fighting all of the time in order to benefit from couples counselling. Most relationships have areas of difficulty that could benefit from some attention. Sometimes we just need a space where we can open things up and learn how to communicate more effectively as a team. Lets get some wind under your sails so your relationship can soar to new heights. And if things are really stormy right now, we've got you covered, too! Couples counselling can help you learn to be more productive even in your disagreements and conflict. If you are tired of feeling like you are getting nowhere and want some understanding and resolution, taking a courageous step forward with couples counselling could help!
If your family is struggling to get along or to adapt to changing circumstances, you are not alone. Especially during these uncertain times, stress, tension and old wounds have resurfaced to be healed. If spinning your wheels and bumping up against the same problems over and over again is getting old, it might be time for a talk with your family and a skilled therapist. With the right support, your family can learn how to work with each other to move through difficult feelings and issues rather than skirt around them and pretend they don't exist. Learning to have healthier boundaries is often a part of the process of healing the family bond, as we start to take ownership for ourselves and our feelings and let others be responsible for what's theirs.
If you are a mental health and wellness professional looking to change the planet through offering heart-centered service, SoulScape may feel like you have finally arrived. The clinical founder of SoulScape, Amanda Bolger, offers coaching designed to strengthen your faith in yourself and refine your intuition as a healing professional. Let the practice of your dreams come to life by laying the groundwork, implementing practical strategies, and ironing out the details of your life and practice. Don't let fear and lack of confidence be your downfall. Your passion for bringing healing to this earth is limitless.
When it comes to our mental and physical health, we must remember that we are literally a part of this planet we live upon and the foods from the earth that we consume have the power to help us. We are nature, and our bodies will remind us when something is out of balance by presenting symptoms, discomfort and emotional pain. If you are looking to restore your vitality, working with a certified holistic nutritionist can help improve your mood, energy, sex drive and ability to focus. If you want to have fun and a few laughs while you take a close look at your relationship with your body and your food, get Marissa on the scene. She will put on her thinking cap and help you come up with a plan that feels manageable and fun! There is no better self-care than that which nurtures your body and soul.
Sometimes what we need is not easily named or defined but is deeply important nonetheless. If you are looking for treatment of the energy body and want to address matters from a psycho-spiritual angle, Shamanic healing is a powerful tool for change. Shamanic healing is a safe option for treating many illnesses and stress induced conditions, including those that have been resistant to other treatments. Maybe you have exhausted all of the more traditional treatment options, or maybe you've decided to try shamanic healing as your first choice of treatment because it feels aligned for you. Either way, Shamanic healing is adaptable and an excellent addition to other existing therapies or to check the blind spots in your self healing journey. Shamanic healing can, at times, offer simple solutions to complex problems and can work at a deep physical, emotional, and mental level while covering a large area of ground in a short amount of time.
"There is no perfection to achieve. This is a trap of the mind. Be vulnerable, bring your shame out of hiding. This is where your true beauty lies"
- Amanda Bolger
Are you ready?